Everyone Has To Fall Sometimes
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Geoffrey Crawford
Position: Cook
Birthday: 4/12/93
Requirements Remaining for: Eagle
4 Merit Badges (4 required)
Eagle Project
Required Merit Badges Remaining:
Cit. in Nation, Cit. in Community, Communications, Family Life
Zachary Harward
Position: Cook
Birthday: 9/7/93
Requirements Remaining for: Eagle
7 Merit Badges (3 required)
Eagle Project
Required Merit Badges Remaining:
Camping, Communications, Family Life
Spencer Powell
Position: Patrol Leader
Birthday: 1/3/94
Requirements Remaining for: Eagle
4 Merit Badges (4 required)
Eagle Project
Required Merit Badges Remaining:
Camping, Communications, Personal Management, Family Life
Tyler Sutton
Birthday: 3/10/94
Requirements Remaining for: Life
3 Merit Badges (3 required)
Service Project (6 Hours)
Required Merit Badges Remaining:
Camping, Cit. in Community, Cit. in Nation, Cit. in World, Communications, Emergency Prep, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Cycling, Hiking, Family Life
Spencer Brown
Position: Photographer
Birthday: 9/16/94
Requirements Remaining for: Life
1 Merit Badge (1 required)
Service Project (6 or more hours)
Required Merit Badges Remaining:
Cit. in Nation, Cit. in World, Communications, Emergency Prep, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Cycling, Hiking, Family Life
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Standards Night Questions 2008
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Education 6
Honesty 5
Tithes and Offerings 3
Repentance 2
Physical Health 1
Dating 1
Entertainment/Media 1
Music and Dancing 1
Sabbath Day 1
Language 1
Friends 1
Gratitude 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- Do you pay tithing on money you get from selling something?
- Can you ride bikes on Sunday?
- Repentance
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- When should I repent?
- What should I do?
- What are some activities for Sunday to keep the Sabbath day holy?
- Can I do service on Sunday?
- What would you do in a life or death situation?
- Where would you go on a mission if you could?
- Why did you not go on a mission?
- How to get in the right attitude to serve others.
- If he believes in everything he does.
- Can I wear a bowtie while passing the sacrament?
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Entertainment/Media 7 (Not to watch R rated movies)
Honesty 6
Dating 5
Dress/Appearance 5
Sabbath Day 4 (Fasting)
Language 3
Friends 3
Music and Dancing 3
Music and Dancing 2
Gratitude 2
Tithes and offerings 1
Physical Health 1
Family 1
Service to Others 1
Agency/Accountability 1
Education 1
Repentance 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- When you break a standard and you repent but you still feel bad, what do you do?
- Sexual purity-What does it mean?
- It is really hard to go shopping and find modest clothes. Things are always too short, too tight, too low, or sleeveless. It makes it less fun to shop!
- Why can’t we play sports or do activities on Sunday? They tell us to rest and not be lazy, so what can we do?
- Do we have to pay tithing on gift cards or cash gifts? 2
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- Why does physical health pertain so much to our church?
- Why do you have to be 16 before you are allowed to date? 3
- When do we have to get our temple recommends?
- Are we going to have trials our whole lives?
- I don’t know, I would probably just tell him or maybe keep it to myself.
- What do you do when your parents make you go to church but you don’t feel spiritual enough?
- What is your biggest weakness?
- Is it really bad to have friends that are guys before you are 14?
- Why do we need to wait till 14 to hang out with guys?
- How could I be more motivated in Fasting?
- What should I do if, at school, they talk bad about Mormons and judge the LDS because of it?
- Why are we not allowed to go somewhere with a group of boys and girls if there are no adults?
- Should we watch non-church related TV on Sunday?
- How often should you date when you are 16, 17, 18?
- If you feel that you have not been honest with those around you, how would you deal with it with that person?
- How often should we pay our tithing?
- What should I do on a first date?
- How do you repent?
- How can I serve with a better attitude?
- On the Sabbath day, what do we wear when we get home to keep the Sabbath day holy?
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Entertainment/Media 5
Education 2
Dating 2
Sabbath Day Observance 2
Language 2
Tithes and Offerings 1
Agency/Accountability 1
Repentance 1
Music/Dancing 1
Family 1
Honesty 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- Repentance
- What is a “girlfriend”? - 2
- What qualifies as “bad” dancing?
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- What is sexual purity?
- How do you know you’ve truly been forgiven?
- What is your favorite color?
- When do you know it is time to see the Bishop?
- What are your views on girlfriends?
- How much can you bench?
- What is a list of things you can do on Sunday?
- What can you not ever do?
Mia Maids
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Entertainment/Media 10
Dating 10
Repentance 6
Dress/Appearance 6
Education 5
Gratitude 5
Language 4
Honesty 4
Music and Dancing 4
Friends 3
Sexual Purity 3
Service to Others 2
Physical Health 2
Family 2
Agency/Accountability 1
Sabbath Day 1
Tithes and Offerings 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- There are many aspects of modesty that are hard. I see girls at school from my ward wearing short shorts. It’s making be want to wear them myself. I feel rotten that I’m lowering my standards! Why is it so bad to war shorts that aren’t knee-length?
- Why do we have to wait until we are 14 to go to stake dances?
- I don’t feel motivated to do well in college (when I get there) and I don’t know what I should study when I get there.
- How do I become motivated and how do I know how to study?
- I have good language (I’ve never sworn and plan to never swear), but it is hard to keep the bad words out of your head when almost everyone around you is swearing.
- What is an appropriate fast offering?
- Why can’t we wear bikinis, because it doesn’t say anything about it in the commandments?
- How do you repent?
- What are the things you need to do to repent?
- I have friends that know it is wrong to date before 16, so they decide to just like the person, which is great except for they do everything that couples who are “going out” do. Even though they don’t call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, they still call each other a lot, email a lot, and do everything they can to be with each other. Is this OK because they haven’t actually taken that step to say that they are “going out”?
- Why can’t we date earlier than 16?
- If a friend has changed and became a bad influence, how do you stop being around them?
- If a non-Mormon is better than a Mormon, can we date them?
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- How old is he?
- If you are mature, is it OK to date before you are 16? 2
- What color is his toothbrush?
- Do you really care about my family’s and my personal welfare?
- How can you get your parents to understand?
- How do you repent from viewing porn?
- Should I stay in church? Because I hate it here so much. The people here hate me.
- Is it OK to have a “Facebook”? President Riggs told us a couple years ago not to have a “My Space” or anything similar, but now there are more safety precautions, so is it OK?
- What do you think is the most important standard?
- So, how about this weather?
- How do you tell someone about the church?
- How do you answer religious questions to people who do not really want to hear? Or more so, how do you know if the person is open to hearing?
- I would ask him about dating.
- What is the point of living on earth? What is the point of everything we do?
- Does every sin have to be discussed with the Bishop?
- How long should you double date until?
- What exactly is the law of chastity?
- What, technically, is breaking the laws of chastity?
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Gratitude 2(I forget that it isn’t me who did it, it was Heavenly Father)
Tithing 4
Language 3
Repentance 3
Entertainment/Media 2
Music and Dancing 2
Service to Others 1
Sabbath Day 1
Education 1
Friends 1
Repentance 1
Sexual Purity 1
All of them 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- I don’t want to date, but there is this hot girl who likes me. I’m not sure I’ve ever really been in love, but I feel like it might have just been lust. I kissed her, but we didn’t make out. What should I do?
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- How do you tell people you aren’t even ready to date?
- Should I work, prepare for a mission, or play sports?
- How do you know if your friend is ready to receive the gospel?
- When I graduate high school, should I focus mostly on continuing my education, or should I focus on working to pay for as much of my mission as possible?
What, do you feel is the hardest standard to follow?
Entertainment/Media 10
Sexual Purity 7
Physical Health 5
Language 4
Gratitude 3
Dating 3
Dress and appearance 2
Tithes and Offerings 2
Education 2
Friends 2
Music and Dancing 2
Family 1
Accountability 1
Appearance 1
Repentance 1
Honesty 1
Do you have any questions regarding any of the standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” Pamphlet?
- Is it bad to only like one boy? Because no matter how much I try, other boys don’t interest me.
- Is it wrong/bad to single date before 18?
- Is being alone with someone the same as a date?
- Is it bad to not want to date?
- Is it bad to kiss at 16? To hold hands?
- Is it wrong to single date?
- Is it bad to spend time with friends on Sunday if it is like a church movie or something?
- How can I be an example?
- What should I do about dating non-members?
What would you ask the Bishop if he did not know that is was you asking?
- How do teens do bad things, but still come to church, “say they’re good” because they believe they are, but aren’t making good decisions?
- Why do friends act one way around me, but differently around someone else?
- Why don’t all the boys ask more girls on dates like Trent does?
- Sometimes it seems like everything in this world contradicts the gospel. What are some ideas to help me be in the world, but not of it?
- Should I wait until I can give everything when I’m married, or is it wrong to even give a little bit before, because you’ll want more?
- Things about dating and sexual purity.
- Is it bad to date non-members?
- When is it appropriate to single date?
- We always know that we need to talk to Bishop about the BIG sins we commit, but what exactly are the BIG ones? How do we know when a sin is too big to handle by ourselves?
- Is it truly inappropriate to joke sometimes about certain things? Where is the line drawn in humor?
- How do you get the courage to repent for a big sin?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Standards Night Live
Tonight we had an awesome standards night fireside. We heard about how we are like characters from the jusice league. Things like, the good always wins, people want to be like us, we have special talents, and we all have weaknesses. One thing I liked was the counsel that we should not try to resist temptation, but rather avoid temptation all together. We later broke off into groups. I would love to hear from you guys about what was talked about in your different groups. Us parents and leaders talked a lot about dating versus hanging out. A little about cell phone use. We also discussed how important it is to have a good line of communication with our children, their friends and their friend's parents. I really enjoyed the fireside, and learned a lot about the concerns you have as youth. My testimony of our stake presidency also grew. I love those men.